UNDP’s Capacity Development Approach

Regardless of the form of anti-corruption agency in place, the UNCAC calls for a “comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach” to prevent and combat corruption effectively, as well as “strengthening capacity and […] institution-building”. This recognizes the complex nature of corruption. It is essential to address corruption not only from a technical and legal perspective, but more importantly from a grounded, contextual understanding of corruption practices as they are linked to and/or influenced by in-country political, social and systemic issues. 

This approach calls for a transformation in the way corruption is perceived and addressed by society, organizations and individuals – from having passive disregard for corrupt practices, to becoming proactive participants in preventing and combating corruption.

Capacity is “the ability of individuals, organizations and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner”, while Capacity Development is the process through which capacities are obtained, strengthened, adapted and maintained over time. 

Capacity Development Practice Note, UNDP, 2007