Key capacity development concepts

Inherent to the integrated capacity development approach is the need to understand the ‘core issues’ or challenges that constrain effective ACAs. This analysis is fundamental to defining the scope of the capacity assessment and capacity development strategies. Four core issues are commonly encountered across sectors and levels of capacity: a) Institutional arrangements; b) leadership; c) knowledge; d) accountability.

From UNDP’s anti-corruption experience, additional issues and challenges face ACAs, which are discussed in more detail in Module 2. A comprehensive capacity assessment would cover these core issues and challenges, although it is possible to customize the capacity assessment based on the needs of the client and the situation. Another strength of UNDP’s capacity development approach is that it is a participatory process that generates strong consensus and ownership of the assessment results and the capacity development strategies. The capacity assessment team serves as “process facilitators," drawing on available knowledge, expertise and experience within an ACA towards jointly identifying priority capacity needs, rather than ‘external’ experts that collect information about the ACA and make their own judgments on the anti-corruption capacity of the ACA.