Key capacity development concepts
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A generic capacity rating system may follow the scale shown below:

Key Functions of my Agency
with regard to anti-corruption (or Sector)
Strengths and Assets of my agency with regard to performing anti-corruption functions
Challenges/ Issues we face in performing these functions
(Why are these challenges persisting?)
Whose capacities need to be developed (e.g., divisions/units in my agency, other UN agencies, other partners) to address these challenges?
What capacities (e.g., policies, systems, mechanisms, skills, etc.) need to be developed within these agencies?

In addition, other tools such as direct observation (e.g. job shadowing), indirect observation (i.e. what you see when you are in the organization, for example the quality of premises, staff activity during office hours, etc.), quantitative data on service provision by the agency (e.g., number of prosecutions, number of reported corruption cases, etc.) can also provide information that can further substantiate the capacity assessment results and inform the formulation of the capacity development strategies.