Early warning indicators

With regards to evaluation, emphasis should be placed on a before/after-comparison of levels of corruption. Due to the complex, multi-layered and institutionalized nature of corruption, changes in levels of corruption are often hard to associate with one single factor or anti-corruption measure. This makes it even more important to carefully select indicators and underlying data. 


Performance indicators at different levels 


Example of indicator Example of data source
Impact: performance against the most ambitious objective upon which separate institutions, policies and programmes are expected to have a material effect. Percentage of people with access to safe drinking water.   Household survey of a national population.
Outcome: short- and medium- term results.

 Percentage of water samples taken at the point of water collection that comply with the national standard.  Data collected by the water laboratory of the ministry of health.
Output: quality and quantity of products or services produced.

 Volume of water produced (cubic meters).  Benchmarking data from utilities/ river basin organizations.
Input: amount of resources that are utilized, including financial and human. May also include legislation and policy instruments. 

 Amount of financial resources made available.  Budget and expenditure reports.