Learning objetive: Identify typical corruption scenarios in the different subsectors and with various actors
Type of exercise: Puzzle
Duration: 20 minutes
Direction: Reorganize the boxes according to their correct categorization

  • Preferential treatment of a contractor who puts a water project in a public official`s home area or a politician`s electorate area
  • Bribes to cover up wastewater and pollution
  • Bribery for diversion of water for commercial irrigation
  • Corruption to falsify meter reading
  • Bribery to be illegally connected to the power grid
  • Bribery for diversion of water
  • Bribery to silence public protest over water resource contamination
  • Licensing of projects with unacceptable environmental or social management plans
  • Hydropower (Public-Consumer)
  • Water Suply and Sanitation (Public-Consumer)
  • Water resource management (Public-Private)
  • Water Suply and Sanitation (Public-Private)
  • Hydropower (Public-Private)
  • Hydropower (Public-Consumer)
  • Irrigation (Public-Private)
  • Irrigation (Public-Consumer)