

Annotated Water Integrity Scan (WIN)

In order to illustrate potential results let’s take a look at the TAP scores for Policy & Legislation (R&L) in urban water supply in Kenya (see figure below, first three columns):

  • This AWIS workshop delivered a score of 2.4 for transparency in policy and legislation. This score falls between level 2, in which P&L is partly developed with important gaps, and level 3, where only few improvements are needed and P&L is basically well established (pro-poor and gender sensitive).
  • The average score of 2.0 for accountability in policy and legislation indicates P&L application is average. Important limitations remain and (sections of the) institutions are weak.
  • At 1.9, the average score for participation in policy and legislation is slightly below the middle scoring level. A score of 2 for participation in P&L means information is available but may not be independently checked or accessible to all. Stakeholders can express their views and complain. A score of 1 would imply that stakeholders have very little or no access to information on P&L and no complaint mechanism.