Good practices and lessons learned


Capacity Assessment in Kosovo (KAA)

During the mission, interviews/meetings were conducted with: 

Department for Prevention of Corruption of KAA (Most of the interviews were conducted with Mr. Jetullah Aliu, Director of Department for Prevention of Corruption; an interview/training session was conducted with eight staff from the department)

The UNDP Office in Kosovo (Ms. Marta Gazideda, CDF Project Manager and Ms. Virginia Dumnica, National Programme Analyst)

NGOs operating in the area of anti-corruption: COHU, KDI (TI) and Fol 08

The Office of the Auditor General (Mr. Lage Olofsson, Auditor General)

EU Project on Support to Anti-corruption Institutions (Mr. David Wolstenholme, Team Leader and Mr. Georgi Rupchev, Key expert)

Law Commission at Kosovo Assembly (Mr. Bahri Hyseni, Chairman)

Ministry of Public Service, Institute for Public Administration (Mr. Gazmend Kuqi, Communication and Information Manager)

Office of Good Governance (Mr. Habit Hajredini, Director)

Kosovo Judges’ Assosciation (Mr. Ymer Huruglica, Chairman)

Department of Legal Issues, Ministry of Justice (Mr. Yordan Sirakov and Ms. Nathalia Berkowitz, EULEX Advisors)