Applying the Capacity Assessment Methodology to ACAs

Enabling environment

No anti-corruption agency can win the fight against corruption on its own. The effectiveness of an ACA is also dependent on its enabling environment, which should be understood as its social, economic and political context and the national policies, institutional arrangements, legislative framework and accountability mechanisms within which the agency operates. The capacity assessment should consider the extent to which the agency’s constitutional mandate, level of independence, extent of oversight and powers in relation to other state bodies are appropriate for the functions it is mandated to perform.



Box 5: Enabling environment in the context of anti-corruption agencies

  1. Social, economic and political context (including political will)
  2. Institutional arrangement and coordination mechanisms
  3. Legal framework and the clarity of mandates
  4. The level of independence
  5. Availability of human and financial resources
  6. Oversight over the ACA