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Applying the Capacity Assessment Methodology to anti-corruption agencies

Enabling environment

The assessment should also seek to gain insights into the informal relationships of key agency staff. Personal/political affiliations, sympathies or rivalries may impact working relations between agencies. The stature and professional background of the head and the staff of the ACA (e.g. former lawyers vs. former police officers or a former judge vs. a former minister) may also impact the capacity of the ACA to lead the national anti-corruption agenda and foster coordination among institutions. See Box 6: The status of political will can be categorized as follows: 


Box 6 The status of Political will can be categorized as follows: 

  • Compromised political will means leaders are personally involved in corruption.
  • Weak political will is found where leaders show no initiative to battle corruption.
  • Committed but untested political will is seen where leaders oppose corruption, but have yet to establish credibility.
  • Strong and credible political will is manifested where leaders have a demonstrated record of effective action against corruption.

Source: Edward G. Hoseah, “Measures to combat Corruption at the Local, National and International Level”, 15th International Conference on Politics, Crime and Criminal Justice, Canberra, Australia, August 2001