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Applying the Capacity Assessment Methodology to anti-corruption agencies

The Organizational level

The capacity assessment will also need to assess the broader organizational leadership structure. The enabling legislation and/or subsidiary policies should set up a clear division of labor between the different layers of leadership. The day-to-day management of the ACA’s operations may need to be separated from overall direction and strategic planning, which may have to be reflected in the organizational chart, job descriptions and policies and procedures. The capacity assessment will also need to look at the configuration of the management team. Does it have a sufficient depth of expertise? 

Some organizations depend too heavily on the chairperson; reliance is normal, but not dependence. The management team should be able to operate in the absence of the senior leader. An assessment should look at all members of the management team, including their capacity to take on the Director General’s role. Staff empowerment and appropriate delegation of tasks and authority help strengthen the organization’s resilience in moments of leadership change.