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Applying the Capacity Assessment Methodology to Anti-corruption Agencies

The Organizational level

Any specialized organization requires staff be trained. This is certainly the case for ACAs. All staff joining the organization should receive a general induction training, as well as more specific training tailored to technical functions (e.g., investigation of corruption, management of asset declarations, development of anti-corruption campaigns). Aside from induction training, on-the-job training with assistance from mentors from within the organization is most effective for skills transfer. As an ACA is being started, a large number of staff may require specialized training. Study tours to established ACAs abroad, as well as international training from training institutes, may be relevant. Twinning arrangements may also help an organization meet training needs, and incentives should be devised for staff to impart and apply newly obtained knowledge and skills. A system for regular knowledge sharing is needed to ensure that knowledge is genuinely absorbed within the organization.