Common corruption risks in the water sector

  WSS WRM Hydropower Irrigation
Public - Public  Inter-departmental collusion in selection and approval of water projects.

Bribery to silence accusations of collusion with contractors. 

Bribery for oversight in monitoring and control of urban pipe systems.

Distorted site selection in favour of a public official´s residence. 

Bribery for promotions, appoint-ments and transfers within public administration. 
Inter-departmental collusion to cover up pollution of water resources.

Bribery to obtain water permits. 

Bribery to silence acusations of collusion with private contractors regarding pollution rights.

Bribery for promotions, appointments and transfers within public administration. 
Bribery to silence accusations of collusion with contractors. 

Bribes to cover up embezzlement of public supplies for an official´s private use Bribery for promotions, appointments and transfers within public administration. 
Corruption to distort site selection in favour of public official´s residence.

Bribery for promotions, appointments and transfers within public administration.
Public - Private Collusion in public procurement. 

Kickbacks for awarding large-scale contracts. 

Manipulation of documents and facts to cover up use of uncertified material in construction. 

Kickbacks to accept inflated bills (unit costs, and amount of material).

Preferential treatment of contractor who sites a water project in a public official´s home area.

Corruption to manipulate information for auditing authorities. 
Kickbacks to regulatory officials to cover up pollution of water resources.

Bribes to cover up wastewater and pollution discharge.
Collusion in public procurement.

Payment (kickbacks or high level jobs) for awarding large-scale contracts.

Overdesign of projects

Licensing of projects with unacceptable environmental or social management plans.

Manipulation of documents and facts to cover up use of uncertified material in construction. 

Kickbacks to accept inflated bills.

(unit costs, and amount of material).

Bribery to cover-up failures to meet contractual deadlines. 
Bribery for diversion of water for commercial irrigation. 

Collusion in public procurement. 

Kickbacks for awarding large-scale contracts.
Public - Consumer Corruption to falsify meter reading. 

Preferential treatment for services or repairs. 

Bribery to obtain access to water - installation, concealing illegal connections, avoiding disconnection. 
Bribery to silence public protest over water resource contamination. Power utilities that implement hydropower projects are prone to many of the public-consumer sources of corruption common in water utilities, including false metering, billing and collection as well as preferential treatment for services and repairs and bribery to be illegally connected to the distribution grid.  Bribery for diversion of water.

Corruption to falsify meter reading.

Bribery to obtain preferential treatment for services or repairs.
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