Value Chain Analysis (VCA)

  Public-Public Public-Private Public-consumers/Civil
Policy-making and Regulation Policy capture (competition and monopolies). Policy capture.   
     Regulatory capture (e.g. waivers to regulations and licensing).  
Planning and Budgeting Distortions in decision-making by politicians (affecting location + types of project investments). Bribery to influence allocation of resources.  
  Corruption in national and sector planning and budget management (misuse of funds, inter-ministerial bribery for fund allocation, collusion/bribery in selection and project approval). Bribery in sector budgeting management (influencing, distortions in funding allocation) (national and local).   
   Corruption in local budget management (fraud, falsification of accounts /documents, village level collusion).    
Donor financing Donor-Government collusion in negotiations to meet spending /funding targets. Donor and national private operator collusion (outside legal trade agreements).  
   Donor – Government collusion/ fraud wrt to progress and quality.     
Fiscal transfers Bribery,rentseeking and kickbacks to ensure fund transfers between MoF and sector ministries.    
Management and Program Design Corruption in personnel management – payments for preferred candidates (e.g. utility directorships) – payments for promotions, and transfers, salary perks).   Influence project decision-making.
   Distortionary decision-making (collusion with leaders in selection + approval of plans/schemes).    Bribery for preferential treatment, elite capture).  
   Corruption in LG and departmental planning and budget management.   Distortionary decision-making (project level– site selection, equipment, construction).
Tendering and Procurement Administrative corruption (fraud, falsification of documents, silence payments). Bribery to influence contract /bid organization.  
  Inter-department / agency collusion over procurement and construction. Corruption in delegating management: Fraud to over/ underestimate assets; selection and type, award of concessions; decisions over duration, exclusivity, tariffs, subsidies.  
    Corruption in procurement: Inflated estimates for capital works, supply of chemicals, vehicles, equipment.  
     Falsification of documentation.  
Construction   Corruption in construction – bribery and fraud wrt – Not building to specification, concealing sub-standard work, materials – Failure to complete works– Underpayment of workers. Corruption in community based construction (with similar types of practices as for public-private interactions.
    Fraud - in invoicing – Marked up pricing, over billing by suppliers.  
Operation and maintenance   Over billing by suppliers, theft/ diversion of inputs (chemicals). Administrative corruption for water (access to water – installing/ concealing illegal connections, avoiding disconnection, illicit supply using utility vehicles).
    Avoiding compliance with regulations, specifications, health and safety rules. Administrative corruption for speed (or preferential treatment) – repairs/ new connections.
    Falsification of accounts.   
Payment (for services)     Administrative corruption repayment / billing – fraudulent meter reading, avoidance or partial payment, over-charging.