To set up a monitoring system, cewas and WIN recommend the following eight steps (cewas&WIN, 2013):

  1. Determine who will be involved in the design, implementation and reporting of the monitoring.
  2. Clarify the scope, purpose, use, audience and budget.
  3. Develop a set of questions to be answered via monitoring. For example: Will all milestones be achieved in time? Are unexpected issues arising in the course of the implementation process?
  4. Have selected individuals identify relevant success criteria for the implementation of the mitigation plan. Criteria must be within the scope of action and allow for quantitative or qualitative measurement of the criteria fulfilment using indicators (see table with performance indicators below).
  5. Define the data selection methods, e.g. benchmarking, surveys.
  6. Analyze and synthesize obtained information to pinpoint patters or trends emerging from the process. Assess the mitigation plan’s perceived implementation by looking at the past, present and target states of the selected criteria. The comparison of past and present states illustrates achieved development, while the comparison of the present and target states illustrates further action needed. Assessment of development should be conducted by different individuals.
  7. Interpret the findings, provide feedback and make recommendations.
  8. Communicate the findings and insights to relevant stakeholders.
 To set up a monitoring system, cewas and WIN recommend the following eight steps (cewas&WIN, 2013):