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Capacities Main issues and Sample Questions
Enabling Environment
Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms: Effectively cooperate with the Ministry of Justice, other government bodies and the Legislature  Established procedure through which the ACA participates in the legal drafting process.

Sample questions:

Is the ACA recognized as having legal expertise and effectively contributing to legislative development? Are there examples where ACA’s input is reflected in the legislation adopted?
Is the ACA officially tasked to coordinate mainstreaming of international standards?


Organizational Level
Legal expertise: Perform legal analysis and draft legislation Specialized unit for legal drafting/review in place, properly staffed and resourced;
Capacity to engage external experts for specialized expertise that is not available in-house;
Cooperation with international partners and access to international expertise and good legislative practice.

Sample questions:

  • What is the profile of staff involved in legal analysis? (Do they combine legal and anti-corruption expertise)?
  • What is the feedback (from the Ministry of Justice and other government bodies) with regard to the quality of ACA’s legislative inputs and advice?


Individual Level
Technical capacities:

  • knowledge of international standards and good practices;
  • comparative knowledge of legislative solutions;
  • specialized legislative drafting skills;
  • regulatory impact assessment.