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Civil Society Partnership Against Corruption

The first component

Concerns the development of systems and policies that promote transparency and accountability in the public sector and citizen participation in decision-making processes. As these objectives are typically part of preventive anti-corruption policies, it is more appropriate to consider them part of the policy development function (Chapter A). 


The second component

Is the inclusion of civil society in corruption prevention functions such as anti-corruption policy formulation, diagnostic research, monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption policies (including UNCAC self-assessment), and dissemination of knowledge on corruption prevention, as discussed in chapters A and B.


The third component

Is related to reports of corruption from citizens. The receipt and processing of reports and complaints requires the elaboration of reliable and trust-inspiring mechanisms for citizens to actively resist and report corruption. ACAs are often entrusted with this function in situations where traditional law enforcement institutions (e.g. police) are not trusted by citizens or have procedures that appear difficult or intimidating.