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Disseminating knowledge

Capacities Main issues
Enabling Environment   
Engage stakeholders: Effectively cooperate with civil service training institutes, schools, universities and different government ministries to facilitate provision of training and educational activities  Established cooperation with civil service institutions, schools, universities for the provision of training and educational activities.

Sample questions:

  • Are the training and educational activities provided by the ACA developed in an ad-hoc way, or embedded with the mainstream training and education systems?
  • What is the evidence (track record) of ACA’s cooperation with other stakeholders in promoting integrity?
Engage stakeholders: Cooperate with civil society and donors particularly for resource intensive tasks (e.g. public awareness campaigns) Capacity to mobilize donor resources and effectively partner with civil society e.g. for public awareness campaigns

Sample questions:

  • Is the ACA able to raise resources and partner meaningfully with donors and civil society e.g. for public awareness campaigns?
Engage stakeholders: Cooperate with civil society and donors particularly for resource intensive tasks (e.g. public awareness campaigns) Sample question:

  • In such cooperation, is the ACA playing the lead role in defining the communication strategies, messaging, target audiences and outreach targets?
Resources: Funding for outreach efforts The existence of a meaningful budget dedicated to integrity promotion and outreach efforts (public awareness, training, communication); in the absence of such, ACAs tend to go for ad-hoc initiatives with funding from partners, which may affect the coherence and longer-term sustainability of the approach.

Sample questions:

  • Does the ACA have some funding of its own dedicated to outreach efforts for integrity promotion?
  • How big is ACA’s dependence on donor funding in this area?


Individual Level  
Technical capacities:
  • training skills and methodologies;
  • public speaking and presentation skills;
  • public relations skills;
  • capacity to use the following tools:
  • media of broad or general distribution;
  • internet and other digital media (including social media platforms).
  • capacity to use the following tools:
  • media of broad or general distribution;
  • internet and other digital media (including social media platforms).