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Asset declarations

In general, registration of assets and incomes requires information on the following categories of assets and interests for the official concerned as well as for dependant family and spouse in many cases: Land property/assets (e.g. houses, land and farms);  employment and business interests (e.g. income, industrial and commercial firms, professional firms); securities and bank accounts (e.g. shareholdings and deposit accounts); other assets (e.g. vehicles and other capital assets); and liabilities (e.g. mortgages and loans). Effective mechanisms for enforcement and monitoring of assets and income are vital for the proper implementation of the assets disclosure regimes.

ACAs may perform the following functions:


Centralized asset declaration systems normally cover only a limited number of high-level civil servants and appointed officials. Nonetheless, processing this information can be challenging. If the ACA is tasked with detecting eventual wrongdoings, it may have to process and analyze a great deal of information; in some cases an ACA may perform targeted controls (as opposed to random control approaches) based on risk assessment.