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Asset declarations

Case example: Structure of the Kosovo Anti-corruption Agency (KAA)

Monitoring the declaration of assets of public officials  

Individual Level

Staff are competent enough to ensure the smooth implementation of the organization’s functions and to guarantee that duties under the Suppression of Corruption Law are carried out. This means they have a clear understanding of the law, skills related to records management (in particular related to the registry of declarations of assets) and general administrative skills. They should be able to carry out investigations that establish whether public officials have misrepresented parts of an Asset Declaration. 


As mentioned above, stakeholder identification involves using a risk management approach in the asset declaration system. However, staff may not have the necessary skills to implement it, and may thus require specialized trainings and other activities to learn. At present, staff do not deal with risk-based verifications, develop methodologies for this activity or perform policy advice functions for other government structures. 


Source: UNDP (2009): pp. 22-23, 26-27.