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In November 2009, the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention adopted a Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the UNCAC. According to the Mechanism States Parties under review are requested to fill in a comprehensive UNCAC Self-Assessment Checklist and to send their Self-Assessment Reports to the Secretariat of the Convention (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC).

UNDP has developed a Guidance Note for the UNCAC Self-Assessment and supports countries undergoing this process. The Note highlights the importance of engaging relevant stakeholders in a participatory process that allows the exercise to be an advocacy and awareness raising tool for the introduction of anti-corruption measures. In light of the fact that anti-corruption responses should be coordinated and comprehensive, it also encourages countries to cover all UNCAC chapters through the self-assessment. ACAs typically play a key coordination role in the UNCAC self-assessment (this function is covered in detail under Module B “Anti-corruption Policy Formulation and Implementation”).