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176 178-2

Guidelines for assessing capacities

This function requires:

Capacities Main issues and sample questions
Enabling Environment 
Legal framework: Authority of the ACA to represent the country in international fora and/or act as “clearing house” for international cooperation Clear specification of ACA’s role in international cooperation. This is particularly important to avoid confusion and duplication in countries where other institutions are also prominently involved (e.g. the Ministry of Justice may be the coordinating agency on international conventions and this may include UNCAC).

Sample questions:

  • Is the legal framework clear with respect to ACA’s role in international cooperation, and is it well understood and applied in practice?
  • Is the ACA usually representing the country in international anti- corruption fora? In case of specialised fora that may involve other agencies (e.g. law enforcement), is the ACA also participating alongside sector representatives?
  • Is the ACA explicitly designated as UNCAC art.6 agency? Is the ACA the coordinating agency for the UNCAC implementation review process in the country (in particular the self-assessment exercise)?
Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms: Effective communication and coordination with other public institutions involved in international cooperation on anti- corruption Existence of effective coordination mechanisms proven in practice.

Sample questions:

  • Does the ACA have an overview of technical assistance to the country from international donors on anti-corruption?
  • Is the ACA regularly called upon to facilitate international contacts and cooperation? In what specific areas?
  • Which are the national institutions with which the ACA cooperates most closely on matters related to international cooperation?
Resources: Funding for participation in international for a Existence of a budget to cover representation costs by the ACA in international anti-corruption fora and other types of exchanges and cooperation.

Sample questions:

  • How often is the ACA declining to participate in relevant international events or other activities due to lack of funding?
Representation: Capacity to formulate positions and effectively represent the country in international fora Existence of dedicated unit for international cooperation, properly staffed and able to develop background materials and position papers to support representation in international fora.
Ideally, senior management would be involved in representation and international cooperation (some ACAs have a deputy director in charge with international cooperation); frequent representation of the country in international anti-corruption fora by diplomatic personnel may be a symptom of ACA’s weak capacities in this area (at the enabling environment and/or organizational level).

Sample questions:

  • Who represents the country at the UNCAC Conference of State Parties and in the UNCAC Implementation Review Group?
Engage with partners: Capacity to engage in cooperation with international counterparts Track record of international cooperation developed or facilitated by the ACA (e.g. study visits, staff exchanges, twinnings, bilateral relations, provision or receipt of international technical assistance, ongoing sharing of expertise with counterparts from other countries, personal contacts at international level of ACA management and ACA staff )

International visibility of the ACA.

Sample questions:

  • With which international partners does the ACA have an ongoing cooperation?
  • Has the ACA facilitated international cooperation involving other agencies? Is the ACA able to assess the effectiveness and impact of such cooperation?


Individual level
Technical capacities:

  • foreign language skills;
  • knowledge of the range of national anti-corruption policies;
  • public speaking and presentation skills;
  • knowledge of international anti-corruption instruments, of good practices and anti-corruption approaches and remedies at international level.