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Searching individuals, premises and/or technological devices

During investigations, material should be secured from alteration or disposal, whether in paper or electronic form. Searches should take place within the rules framework of investigations and human rights legislation (depending on the country, such legislation requires activities be reasonable, proportional and with a respect for privacy). Legislation should prescribe the procedures for searching individuals in reference to gender, faith, etc. Searching electronic devices (laptops, PCs, mobiles, PDAs, etc.) requires both technical support, specific procedural rules (including whether or not to switch off the device, guarding against remote-access interference, etc.), and means to extract data (usually via software), all of which are intended to secure the devices for evidential purposes. All searches should follow pre-determined procedures, with actual searches mapped and/or video-recorded, exhibits formally recorded and secured, etc. All searches of individuals and premises should be risk-assessed for investigators’ health and safety. Some larger investigative agencies designate a member of staff and/or an entire investigative team to take overall responsibility for searches.