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Applying the Capacity Assessment Methodology to Anti-corruption Agencies

The Organizational level

ACAs should to have their own, dedicated staff for performing most anti-corruption functions, and the size and specialization of the staff will vary accordingly. In some cases, specialized functions may require support from external experts on a temporary basis. However, most ACAs have either civil servants or staff on long-term contracts. 

The ACA should insist on having a say in the selection/appointment of its staff to preserve its independence and ensure staff quality. ACA staff should be irreproachable in conduct and capacities; otherwise the public will not have the confidence to report corruption and to assist in the ACA’s work. This requires ACAs, where possible, to conduct open and fair recruitment, provide a competitive compensation package, implement continuous training and capacity building, and establish processes that ensure staff integrity, performance appraisal and adherence to strict discipline codes, as well as an internal complaint system.

Secondment has proven to be effective in many cases, provided that the same conditions and safeguards apply to seconded personnel as they do to regular staff. Secondments present the advantage of institutional flexibility, and facilitates the exchange of specialist knowledge and expertise, which can be a significant advantage given the complexities of the corruption phenomenon. It is crucial to ensure that this arrangement does not substitute for internal capacity or hamper the development and sustainability of internal institutional expertise, particularly in the context of international secondments (a commonly applied form, for instance in European Union technical assistance - “twinning projects”). An ACA also should not to be too dependent on the Government for its human resources. When the ACA is not allowed to recruit its own investigators, and can only employ seconded police officers from a police force with a bad reputation, for example, its effectiveness, loyalty, integrity and commitment may be questioned.