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Interview guide for institutional stakeholders

(III) Police

Staff Profile Sample questions
Enabling environment
1. Social, economic and political context
  • Did the anti-corruption agency resort under the police at any stage in the past?
  • Are any former police officers working in the anti-corruption agency?
  • Is the police perceived to be corrupt in the country?
2. Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms
  • How does the police collaborate with the anti-corruption agency?
  • Does the police provide any assistance with ACA investigations, for example at the local level?
  • Does the police support any arrests or detentions at the request of the ACA?
  • Does the police systematically forward any corruption complaints to the ACA/
  • Does the police have the mandate to open corruption investigations on its own?
  • Is there any overlap in terms of mandate between the police and the anti-corruption agency?
  • How would you assess the overall performance of the anti- corruption agency?
  • How would you assess the technical capacities of the anti- corruption agency staff to undertake its mandate?
3. Legal Framework
  • Is the legal framework facilitating or hampering the detection and investigation of corruption?