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The capacities needed to perform the functions of this module are related on the one hand to the necessity of promoting cooperation, interaction and mutual support among the relevant stakeholders (including non-state actors), and on the other hand to the necessity of gathering and processing information and producing reports and analysis for the policymakers.

Enabling Environment
Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms: Engage other state bodies in the exchange of information and cooperation (among each other and with the ACA for collecting information and implementing activities of the action plan or in relation to the UNCAC self-assessment) Clearly stated and broadly accepted mandate of the ACA for coordinating activities and requesting information in relation to the development of the AC policy, monitoring the implementation of the action plan or for the UNCAC self-assessment;
Broadly accepted and understood existence of a coordination framework enabling exchange of information among different agencies;
Presence of focal points (officials specifically tasked) in relevant state institutions for the coordination of the activities related to the AC strategy and action plan (as well as to the UNCAC self-assessment exercise if applicable);
Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms: Engage other state bodies in the exchange of information and cooperation (among each other and with the ACA for collecting information and implementing activities of the action plan or in relation to the UNCAC self-assessment) Presence of memoranda of understanding (MoUs) or clear procedural frameworks for cooperation and information sharing among the various stakeholders; practical functioning of such frameworks;
Existence of areas of overlapping responsibility among the various state agencies in relation to anti-corruption functions, necessity for clarification of roles and mandates;
Informal relationships between the ACA and the other agencies (e.g. acquaintance of the management of the ACA with the managers of other state bodies).
Regular and timely communication, particularly if the ACA’s mandate is to receive regular periodic reporting on the implementation of assigned measures from other institutions; frequency and quality of the interaction among the agencies.
Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms: Engage other state bodies in the exchange of information and cooperation (among each other and with the ACA for collecting information and implementing activities of the action plan or in relation to the UNCAC self-assessment) Sample questions:

  • Is the coordination mandate of the ACA clearly defined by law or governmental decision, has this been communicated properly to the various stakeholders?
  • Has the coordination role of the ACA been criticized or resisted by other bodies? In which form has such criticism or resistance been expressed?
  • Is there a MoU (or established procedures) between the ACA and the Ministry of Justice for the exchange of information relative to anti-corruption initiatives of the two institutions?
  • Does the agency X meet the deadlines for reporting, how often does the ACA have to revert to the agency X with requests for clarification or further information? Does the ACA have the power to request additional information and to solicit reporting?
Engage stakeholders: Engage civil society organizations, NGOs and the business community in the production of AC strategies and in monitoring anti- corruption activities Coordination framework or other practical mechanisms enabling consultation and exchange of information among different stakeholders (including government, civil society, academia etc.);
Presence of institutional mechanisms for consultation and engagement of non-state actors in the development and monitoring of the ACA strategy;
Engage stakeholders: Engage civil society organizations, NGOs and the business community in the production of AC strategies and in monitoring anti- corruption activities Sound and effective PR and communication strategy of the ACA as assessed through interviews with relevant stakeholders.

Sample questions:

  • What is the overall climate of engagement and cooperation between the state institutions and the non-state actors? Are there many examples of constructive engagement of civil society in policy processes and in cooperation with state agencies?
  • Is the ACA seen as a credible interlocutor by civil society and the business sector? Is the ACA seen as more open and accessible to civil society than most other state institutions?
  • Does the ACA effectively facilitate the involvement of non- state actors in the policy process (development of AC strategy and monitoring of its implementation)? Are there “shadow reports” by NGOs contradicting ACAs official reports?


Organizational Level
Data collection and processing: Capacity to collect information from a range of stakeholders, process the input received from various sources and produce analysis and reporting Institutional arrangements, structure, internal division of responsibilities/ functions of the agency allowing the performance of this function:
dedicated unit, adequate number of staff to process the information and data gathered;
internal division of roles among the staff of the unit, reporting mechanisms between supervisors and supervisees;
annual work plans and system for reporting against the targets set (linked to the AC strategy / action plan or to the conduction of the UNCAC self-assessment);
existence of sectoral specialization within ACA and of learning systems allowing such specialization;
Business processes linking the work of different units/structures within the organization;
Data collection and processing: Capacity to collect information from a range of stakeholders, process the input received from various sources and produce analysis and reporting Adequate knowledge management and information management structures as well as the ICT for the storing and processing of the information and data collected.

Sample questions:

  • Is there an internal annual work plan for the activities of the unit? How is it structured? Does it contain specific targets? How do you measure/check the achievement of the targets?
  • Is the number of staff adequate to process all the data that is being collected?
  • Are the computers/servers and other IT means supporting effectively the work of the unit? Is there dedicated / specialized software to support ACAs functions in this area?
Communication: Communicate and cooperate effectively with other agencies Internal system ensuring the frequency and quality of the interaction with the other agencies.

Sample questions:

  • Does the ACA staff have enough time, expertise and tools to check the quality of the reports and information received from other agencies?
  • Has the ACA developed reporting standards and guidelines for the other agencies (for monitoring policy implementation)?
  • Are there focal points dealing with particular counterpart agencies?
  • Is there a system to systematically keep track of the interaction with other agencies?
Communication: Communicate effectively with the public, enhance transparency of the overall anti-corruption system Utilization of communication tools: website with up to date information regarding the implementation of the anti-corruption action plan; utilization of the traditional media and of social media tools.

Sample questions:

  • Which are the communication tools utilized by the ACA in order to ensure that the public receives up to date and extensive information on the status of implementation of the AC action plan?