For an efficient and transparent management of Torola River Basin water resources

 El Salvador
Case study 3

Summary of the project 

Residents in the country’s western region need water for domestic and economic activities, but they face limitations due to a lack of water supply and management problems. The situation worsens during summer months, when the river wells and fresh water levels decrease, causing hygiene and health problems. This situation requires an efficient and permanent water supply that can only be achieved through important improvements in the river basin water management system. 

To pilot the initiative, mayors in each micro region chose municipalities most in need. Eventually, the initiative will be replicated in departments throughout the country to achieve an “Integral Model of Water Management.” The central government has officially acknowledged the initiative as a pilot for the General Water Act, which is a plan to transform water management in the country. It will also be presented to the National Water Observatory, an institution to gather and publish best practices on water.