Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) risk map (IV)

This case was an assessment of the relationships between MOWASCO, the meter readers and users.

Users had no control over the meter readers, nor were they aware of their rights and obligations, which clearly posed a risk. The relationship between MOWASCO and the users was (usually) governed by an agreement form. The contract was clear on measures to be taken when MOWASCO failed to provide water or when the users were overcharged (T=2).

The volume of water indicated on a meter could be compared to a user’s bill; if a mismatch was spotted, users could complain to the company. When they did not pay, users were disconnected, but no information could be obtained on cases where MOWASCO compensated users (score A=1) for poor services or for overcharging.

Information was accessible to third parties and additional complaints could be filed with the Water Services Regulatory Board if and when earlier complaints were not addressed by MOWASCO. Existence of complaints mechanisms allowed for a higher participation score (score P=2) (Bellaubi & Visscher, 2010). 


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