About Us
The Global Portal on Anti-Corruption for Development is a one-stop-shop for information and knowledge specialized on anti-corruption for sustainable development. It aims to support the work of development and governance practitioners, anti-corruption bodies, researchers, civil society organisations, and the donor community by facilitating access to information, cutting-edge knowledge, and practical tools on anti-corruption at a global, regional, and national level.Open access to information and knowledge related to latest efforts addressing corruption, in light of today’s development challenges, is available on this portal. Such challenges include: human rights, gender equality and empowerment, climate change and natural resource management, illicit financial flows etc. that are critical for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Users of the portal will find easy and free access to: training materials and multimedia resources; corruption risk mitigation tools and methodologies in sectors; case studies and lessons learned from anti-corruption interventions and policy documents, including anti-corruption strategies, reports and evaluations, and advocacy resources.
This portal also connects our community to the extensive map of efforts and initiatives on anti-corruption, through easily accessible links to other global anti-corruption networks. This portal is a key platform for the broad community of anti-corruption practitioners to share global knowledge on emerging issues. Through e-discussions, webinars, blogs and social media, members are invited to contribute and engage in vibrant discussions with other colleagues. All information on the portal is public, and users can contribute by sharing news, events, links, documents, and submit feedback.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) have partnered to offer the first worldwide online course on the key role anti-corruption plays in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In the five-week interactive and facilitated online course with live moderated webinars featuring renowned subject matter experts, participants will deepen their knowledge on integrating anti-corruption in the Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information and to sign up for the next edition, visit this link.

The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is the world’s premier global forum for bringing together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. The IACC takes place usually every two years, and hosts around 2,000 participants worldwide. The IACC is organised by the IACC Council and Transparency International in collaboration with the government of the host country.
Since 2003, UNDP has been a partner of the IACC series.
For more information, visit this link.
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is an international organization and post-secondary educational institution based in Laxenburg, Austria. Through education, training, research, and cooperation, IACA empowers professionals and provides technical assistance for stakeholders seeking to strengthen their anti-corruption and compliance regimes.
IACA offers a range of educational opportunities including tailor-made-trainings, open online trainings, Online Summer Academy, and three online masters courses which are currently open for applications: Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) 2021, International Master in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action (IMACC) 2021, and joint IACA-UNITAR Master in Anti-Corruption and Diplomacy (MACD) Programme.
For more information on IACA and how to apply for its courses, visit this link.
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is an international organization and post-secondary educational institution based in Laxenburg, Austria. Through education, training, research, and cooperation, IACA empowers professionals and provides technical assistance for stakeholders seeking to strengthen their anti-corruption and compliance regimes.
IACA offers a range of educational opportunities including tailor-made-trainings, open online trainings, Online Summer Academy, and three online masters courses which are currently open for applications: Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) 2021, International Master in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action (IMACC) 2021, and joint IACA-UNITAR Master in Anti-Corruption and Diplomacy (MACD) Programme.
For more information on IACA and how to apply for its courses, visit this link.