A revised Guidance on Conducting REDD+ Corruption Risk Assessments is now available. The first version of this Guidance was released in December 2012. The Guidance was revised in December 2013 to (a) build on the results and lessons learned from the pilots in Bangladesh, DRC, Kenya, Peru and the Philippines; (b) delineate and provide clearer guidance on two distinct but correlated aspects: corruption factors that enable or accelerate deforestation and forest degradation, and new corruption risks brought about by REDD+; and, (c) include practical “tip boxes”, for example on understanding types and forms of corruption, finding entry points for anti-corruption work in an RPP or a national REDD+ strategy, appreciating the value of gender disaggregated data, and handling sensitive issues.
Access the revised Guidance online here.
NEW PUBLICATION: Revised Guidance on REDD+ Corruption Risk Assessments