The UNDP supports a series of workshops organized jointly between SIWI, Cap-Net, LA-WETnet, and the Democratic Governance area of the Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (through the Global Anti-Corruption Initiative- GAIN).
The training workshops have been directed towards professional leaders, coming from 11 countries in Latin America, Spain, and Cabo Verde, and representing educational entities, non-governmental and governmental organizations. The goal of the workshops is to strengthen the foundations for change through greater knowledge and awareness about concepts like integrity, transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption in the water sector.
This implies the sensitization of decision-making groups (entities in charge of public policies and laws), through advocacy of integrity and capacity building. This opportunity should be extended to other relevant groups, such as public and private businesses, consumers, non-governmental organizations that work in the promotion of integrity. The same effort should be put on multilateral organisms that are involved with the sector through loans (Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank and Latin American Development Bank), given that if these organisms opt for uniform mechanisms for the fight and promotion of integrity, it would signify an additional legislative and policy layer for controlling corruption.
Click here to watch Costa Rica experience.