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Transparency & accountability


Transparency and social accountability initiatives are being implemented worldwide as effective tools to: Improve citizen’s monitoring and government responsiveness, particularly through the use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Strengthen governance and service delivery effectiveness at the local level. To enhance dialogue and collaborative efforts between citizens and governments in the fights against corruption. To prevent corruption practices and its manifestations in service delivery.


Transparency and accountability in natural resource management


Natural resources can be a major source of revenue and opportunities for a country to foster its sustainable economic and social development and achieve internationally agreed development goals, including the MDG’s. Mobilization of domestic revenue from resource exploitation can also enable a country to invest in its infrastructural network and basic services such as healthcare and education. However, without the right set of policies, accountability frameworks and governance systems to manage and use these resources, the outcome could lead to rent-seeking and conflict. For instance, widespread price transfer, tax avoidance, bribery and patronage in the natural resource sector have the potential to undermine democracy and the rights of citizens and host communities including indigenous peoples. Ensuring that there is increased transparency and accountability throughout the value chain natural resource management reduces the risks of corruption and pave the way for equitable and sustainable use of these resources.

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Anti-corruption in REDD+


Reducing emissions from the global forest sector has an important role to play in both mitigation and adaptation. The United Nations’ Collaborative programme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN REDD Programme) assists developing countries in building capacity to reduce emissions and participate in a future REDD+ mechanism under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As part of its mandate, the programme supports national systems for transparent, equitable, credible and accountable management of REDD+ funding. Accordingly, it generates knowledge products and provides practical guidance to partner countries to identify and mitigate potential corruption risks in the design, implementation and payment distribution processes of REDD+.


Anti-corruption monitoring & evaluation


Despite the proliferation of anti-corruption interventions worldwide, there is still limited evidence on their impact to curb corruption. There are at least three reasons that help to explain this challenge. First, existing evaluations are using inappropriate tools and criteria when assessing results. In other words, evaluations usually do not ask the right questions. Second, most of anti-corruption initiatives have weak results frameworks, including poor definitions of outputs, outcomes and indicators which hinders their evaluability. And third, weak results reporting impedes a thorough assessment of the progress and impact.


Corruption measurement and assessments


Despite the various existing methods and tools to measure corruption there is still not clear-cut evidence on its magnitude and the impact of its different manifestations. Corruption is a complex phenomenon and it is in permanent evolution with new forms and manifestations. Illicit behaviors including corrupt practices are generally hidden, which makes them more difficult to identify and describe. Corruption is often underreported; e.g. victims might be, to some extent, co-responsible for the crime or fear retaliation and it is difficult to track it. However, a number of methods and tools have emerged in the last decades aimed at measuring corruption through a variety of innovative approaches.
