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Corruption measurement – Anti-corruption monitoring & evaluation

Corruption measurement/assessment and anti-corruption monitoring and evaluation are crucial ingredients to increase our knowledge on what works and what doesn’t in the fight against corruption. To be effective anti-corruption programmes must be based on a sound foundation of corruption risk assessments or measurement of the extent that corruption has permeated the public and private institutions.
However, the issue of corruption measurement and anti-corruption monitoring and evaluation requires looking at different tools, techniques, and methods depending on what is going to be measured. There is no single formula or one-fits-all approach that will unravel the complexity of these issues. In this page, users will find different tools, methods and practices developed by different organizations and countries.

Corruption measurement & assessments.

Despite the various existing methods and tools to measure corruption there is still not clear-cut evidence on its magnitude and the impact of its different manifestations. Corruption is a complex phenomenon and it is in permanent evolution with new forms and manifestations.

Anti-corruption monitoring & evaluation

Despite the proliferation of anti-corruption interventions worldwide, there is still limited evidence on their impact in curbing corruption. There are at least three reasons that help to explain this knowledge gap. First, existing evaluations are using inappropriate tools and criteria when assessing results. Second, most of anti-corruption initiatives have weak results frameworks and third, poor results reporting that hinders a thorough assessment of the progress and impact of anti-corruption interventions.