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Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilties at the Sector Level

The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilties at the Sector Level

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Abstract This project comes to fruition at an important time for the World Bank as it scales up its efforts to help countries improve governance and combat corruption. With a heightened focus on mainstreaming governance and anticorruption into its core operations, the Bank expects to engage more extensively in reforms at the sector level. This innovative volume combines analytic rigor and practical operational insights in an important and useful way. It is a “must read” for all development practitioners.
World Bank Publishing, 2007
Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors,

Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives

Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Abstract Water is a basic element that sustains life, including human life. Yet approximately one billion people still lack access to safe water. Addressing corruption and mismanagement in this sector is vital to sustain achievements toward the MDGs. This study maps corruption risks in the water sector (including irrigation and hydropower) and presents methods and tools to measure corruption in the sector.
United Nations Development Programme
Bureau for Development Policy
Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

Fighting Corruption in the Education Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Fighting Corruption in the Education Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Abstract This study is the first of its kind to review and map existing literature, methods, tools and initiatives in tackling corruption in the education sector. The study presents concrete evidence for building multi-stakeholder partnerships, including with direct beneficiaries of public education sector, to address corruption in the education sector.
United Nations Development Programme
Bureau for Development Policy
Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

User’s Guide on Assessing Water Governance

User’s Guide on Assessing Water Governance


Water governance has emerged as one of the most critical areas in the context of sustainable water resources development and services, necessary to respond to global water shortages – a crisis which is not about having too little water to satisfy our needs, but rather a crisis of managing water and making it accessible to all.

The user’s guide on assessing water governance is a pertinent tool which comes at the right time for development practitioners and managers, but most important for Governments, water departments, local authorities and civil society to assist assessing the situation how water is supplied, to whom, how, and identify bottlenecks and challenges.

The guide aims to assist practitioners to design and conduct water governance assessments more effectively within their own local or national context. It also offers guidance on a number of concrete topics, which governance aspects are important to look at, the choice of indicators, data collection, how to manage multi-stakeholder processes and how to use the findings to influence policy. The publication was jointly developed by the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, the UNDP Water Governance Facility in Stockholm, the Water Integrity Network in Berlin and the UNDP Global Programme on Anti-Corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE).