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Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

Fighting Corruption in the Health Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Fighting Corruption in the Health Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Abstract This report considers several quantitative and qualitative studies that analyse and present evidence of the negative impact of corruption on health outcomes. The study presents concrete evidence for building multi-stakeholder partnerships, including with direct beneficiaries of the public health sector, to promote accountability and improve service delivery.
United Nations Development Programme
Bureau for Development Policy

UNCAC self-assessments: going beyond the minimum


During the 3rd Conference of the States Parties (2009) in its resolution 3/1, based on Article 63 of the Convention, a review mechanism was established. The implementation review is an inter-governmental peer-review process whereby each state party is reviewed by two peers. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime is the Secretariat of the mechanism and together with the UN Development Programme provide support to the state parties in the process of the UNCAC Review Implementation and support the member states to go beyond the minimum requirement and ensure a multi-stakeholder engagement in the national dialogue on corruption.

The aim of the review process is to facilitate learning, cooperation and support to the Member States concerning the implementation of the Convention. The Implementation Review Mechanism abides by principles such as transparency, efficiency, non-intrusiveness, inclusiveness and impartiality.   


Corruption measurement

UNCAC implementation for development effectiveness


The fight against corruption requires systemic and rigorous reforms be undertaken after thorough analysis and research about how public institutions function in particular settings. It also requires them to be open, transparent and accountable to the public. Therefore, anti-corruption efforts often demand political commitment as well as a sustained approach.

UNCAC recognises how critical it is to prevent corruption systematically in addition to using punitive measures. The Convention also addresses the international aspects of corruption through its provisions on strengthening international cooperation. Asset recovery, which is a unique provision and an important part of the international aspect. Asset recovery is the obligation to return proceeds of corruption to the country of origin.  The Convention’s scope is far-reaching and thus can easily be used as a framework for development cooperation. Furthermore, corruption or the risk of corruption, applies to all sectors of society – government or non-government, public or private, formal or informal institutions –     and thus, no policy area is exempt in it.     


Anti-corruption and human rights nexus


Corruption ties up and diverts funds, thus limiting governments’ capacity to fulfill its obligations, primarily with regard to economic, social and cultural rights, such as housing, food, water or education. Human rights-sensitive anti-corruption initiatives, first and foremost, put emphasis on the negative effects of corruption at the individual level. 
Policies driving the anti-corruption agenda, development strategies and human rights protection are often rooted in similar or common principles, i.e. non-discrimination, participation, accountability, rule of law, freedom of information, and transparency. Integrating such common principles into development projects aimed at fighting corruption will have a positive effect on the affected population and their enjoyment of human rights. At the same time, development strategies focusing on anti-corruption can benefit from applying specific principles derived from human rights law.


Human rights, transparency & accountability

Transparency and social accountability are key elements in the fight against corruption. Particularly, they have been recognized as pivotal to the enjoyment of human rights. In an institutional and political environment where access to public services suffers from corruption and obscurity, citizens’ monitoring of services, budgets and infrastructure play a vital role in improving the quality of service delivery and the protection of human rights.
Transparency and social accountability initiatives are being implemented worldwide to:
1) Improve citizens’ monitoring and government responsiveness, particularly through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
2) Strengthen governance and service delivery effectiveness at the local level.
3) Enhance dialogue and collaborative efforts between citizens and governments in the fight against corruption.
Corruption ties up and diverts funds, thus limiting governments’ capacity to fulfil its obligations primarily with regard to economic, social and cultural rights, such as housing, food, water or education. Human rights-sensitive anti-corruption initiatives first and foremost put emphasis on the negative effects of corruption at the individual level.