
Corruption Prevention


This course provides an overview of current issues and practices in preventing corruption in public administration for public officials who have responsibility for corruption prevention policies or practices (public servants) as well as students of public administration and other areas of social sciences.

The online training course “Corruption Prevention” was developed by the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), in cooperation with the UNDP’s Global Programme on Anti-corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE). It complements UNDP’s online course on Basics on Anti-corruption prevention 

The course focuses on the prevention roles of legal and regulatory frameworks, effective institutions and citizens. There is a final scored assessment at the end of the course, but there are unscored assessment tasks throughout the course that focus on the key learning outcomes of the course. References for further reading on key topics are also included.

Topics Included:

  • Corruption and Prevention
  • Corruption in Public Administration.
  • Corruption Prevention Methods
  • Corruption Prevention Practices

Corruption Prevention