Blog Archives

Anti-Corruption Measurement and Monitoring, Library,

A Trainer’s Manual on Measuring Corruption at the Country Level

A Trainer’s Manual on Measuring Corruption at the Country Level

May 2009

This manual offers hands on tools and guidance to measuring corruption at the country level.  Based on the Users’ Guide to Measuring Corruption (2008), it has been developed to help meet the growing global demand for capacity development in this area.  The manual is written for trainers, and provides step-by-step guidance and materials for adapting and delivering the training in any country.

This publication aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption perspective.



Anti-Corruption and Human Rights, Anti-Corruption in SDGs, Library,

Asia Pacific Human Development Report 2008 – Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives

Asia Pacific Human Development Report 2008 – Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives


Asia Pacific Human Development Report 2008 – Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives: Corruption is increasingly being challenged as unacceptable across Asia and the Pacific.  This report shows why eliminating corruption that plagues people’s daily lives must become a priority. The police, social services, and environment are areas countries should consider focusing on.

This publication aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption perspective.



Anti-Corruption in Post-Conflict and Transition Countries, Library,

Fighting Corruption in Post-Conflict & Recovery Situations

Fighting Corruption in Post-Conflict & Recovery Situations

June 2010

Based on empirical research in 5 countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste), the “Fighting Corruption in Post Conflict and Recovery Situations: Learning from the Past” report explores the dynamics between corruption and post-conflict situations and looks at the effectiveness of anti-corruption programming in that context.  The report is UNDP’s flagship initiative to bring specific attention to reviewing, understanding and developing anti-corruption approaches in post-conflict settings and has generated a great deal of interest.

This publication aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption perspective.



Anti-Corruption and UNCAC Implementation, Library,

Guidance Note: UNCAC Self-Assessments


Guidance Note: UNCAC Self-Assessments.  Going Beyond the Minimum

October 2010

This Guidance Note provides a methodology for national stakeholders on how to conduct a comprehensive and participatory Self-Assessment of UNCAC implementation.  Based on previous country experiences, every UNCAC Self-Assessment process is expected to provide an opportunity for national dialogue on anti-corruption policies and programmes and further stimulate reforms to curb corruption in the interest of sustainable human development.  This practical guide was published by the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre in partnership with UNODC, GTZ, Basel Institute on Governance (Switzerland) and Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University (Bangladesh).

This publication aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption perspective.



Anti-Corruption and Climate Change, Library,

Staying on Track: Tackling Corruption Risks in Climate Change


Staying on Track: Tackling Corruption Risks in Climate Change

November 2010

Maximizing the effectiveness of climate finance must include steps to reduce the potential for corruption, as large influxes of resources coupled with an imperative to spend can create conditions ripe for corruption.  This report thus identifies the corruption risks in relation to two elements of the climate change response of particular importance to developing countries: adaptation, and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+).  Adaptation is particularly important for developing countries in view of their vulnerability, limited capacity to adapt and lesser historical responsibility for the causes of climate change.

This publication aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs from an anti-corruption perspective.

