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Guidelines for assessing capacities 


Individual level
Technical capacities:

  • For corruption diagnostic research and policy evaluation:
  • define a research objective that links to policy objectives and practical actions;
  • interpret and analyze data (quantitative and qualitative analysis), and generate actionable recommendations;
  • identify, review, and assess the quality of existing information sources (academic, NGO and donor reports and assessments, administrative data, etc.);
  • knowledge of various diagnostic methodologies available;
  • competence in statistical and other social science methodologies (higher levels of expertise if undertaking diagnostic research in-house)
  • knowledge of the anti-corruption policies that the ACA is mandated to evaluate, and of the specific sectors covered by the policies;
  • evaluation of the quality of the research undertaken/received (quality control);
  • report writing (good knowledge of English would be desirable);
  • IT skills.

For corruption risk assessments:

  • in-depth knowledge of the concepts of corruption indicators/red flags
  • capacity to identify risks and to propose appropriate management responses
  • knowledge of integrity audit principles and practice
  • understanding of the concepts related to management, organizational psychology, organizational dynamics
  • train others to perform the assessment
  • project management skills (formulation of SMART objectives, understanding of PM concepts).