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Capacities Main issues
Enabling Environment 
Legal framework: Conducive legal and procedural framework that facilitates citizen reports to ACA  Whistle-blower protection policy and effective mechanisms in place;
Functional independence at a minimum. ACA should be perceived as a credible anti-corruption institution, with integrity and free from undue influence, able to effectively follow-up on corruption reports and complaints by citizens;
Effective operational mechanisms to collect citizen reports;
Good cooperation (preferably codified through written protocols) with law enforcement units/agencies (e.g. prosecutor, police).

Sample questions:

  • Does the ACA enjoy high public credibility?
  • How many reports / complaints from citizens does the ACA receive, and what is the trend (increasing, decreasing)?
  • What is the highest profile corruption investigation triggered by a report to the ACA?
  • Are there simple, effective and trustworthy reporting channels in place (e.g. e-mail / online report forms; telephone hotlines; face to face)?


Organizational Level
Data collection and processing: Effective handling of citizen reports and complaints Complaints handling is a potentially resource intensive task; it is therefore important that the unit in charge has sufficient staff and technical infrastructure;
Standard operating procedures / manuals / guidelines on complaints handling should be in place;
Maximum transparency and public reporting on activities is essential to enhance and maintain ACA’s public credibility (information that may compromise investigations or data protected by privacy laws must be withheld); some ACAs have introduced citizens’ oversight boards to promote this kind of profile
Existence of simple and accessible systems for reporting corruption; use of IT is invaluable, but cannot substitute good customer service practices (courteous, responsive, and clear communication of the relevant laws, procedures, rights and obligations);
Strong data management processes to protect sensitive data, analyse the information received and integrate the information on most commonly encountered types of corruption, as well as law enforcement responses, into the overall anti-corruption policy process.
Sample questions:
How is a typical corruption complaint handled?
Does the ACA provide feedback to whistle-blowers on its follow-up to their reports?
Does the ACA maintain a database with all complaints received? Does it have a case management system to monitor the follow-up and liaise with other agencies as needed?


Individual level 
Technical capacities:

  • public relations and communication skills;
  • customer service skills;
  • data management and analysis.