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Interview guide for ACA staff

Interviews with ACA staff are primarily geared towards assessing their competences and technical qualifications and developing an accurate staffing profile of the ACA. However, the interviews also provide an opportunity to assess organizational issues, as well as enabling environment capacities. The information obtained from ACA staff will allow those undertaking the ACA capacity assessment to triangulate this information with prior obtained data from the desk review and head(s) of agency interviews. This will ensure an accurate picture is developed of all the ACA capacity gaps and needs.


Staff Profile Sample questions
1. Type of work
  • What is your post title?
  • Do you have terms of references (TORs)?
  • Do the TORs reflect your day to day work?
  • What are your main responsibilities within the anti-corruption agency?
2. Background
  • What year did you join the anti-corruption agency?
  • Where did you work prior to the anti-corruption agency (up to 10 years back in time)?
  • What are your academic qualifications?
  • What is your professional experience to date within the anti- corruption agency? Did you hold any other positions within the agency?
  • Were you interviewed for your position at the anti-corruption agency?
3. Training
  • Have you received any training before or during your assignment with the anti-corruption agency to undertake this job?
4. Motivation and reasons for staff turn-over
  • Why did you want to work for the anti-corruption agency? What were your main reasons?
  • What are the three main reasons for staying with the anti- corruption agency?
  • What are the three main reasons for which you could see yourself leave the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like most about working for the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like least about working for the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like most about your work?
  • What do you like least about your work?
  • Why did you want to work for the anti-corruption agency? What were your main reasons?
  • What are the three main reasons for staying with the anti- corruption agency?
  • What are the three main reasons for which you could see yourself leave the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like most about working for the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like least about working for the anti-corruption agency?
  • What do you like most about your work?
  • What do you like least about your work?
5. Career development
  • How long do you intend to stay with the anti-corruption agency?
  • Are you aware of promotion criteria?
  • Have you ever applied for promotion? Were you satisfied with the process and with the outcome?
  • Have there been any opportunities to transfer to, or work in, other parts of the anti-corruption agency?
Technical capacities
a. Investigation staff
  • What are the main types of corruption you deal with?
  • How many cases do you deal with annually?
  • What is the average value of the cases you deal with?
  • What is the average rank of the public sector suspects in your cases (check public sector ranking system in the country prior to administering this questionnaire)?
  • Do you have standard operating procedures for the investigation?
  • Have you been trained on the standard operating procedures for the investigation?
  • Are you familiar with the following concepts? If yes, did you ever deal with these concepts in specific cases?
  • Public sector corruption
  • Private sector corruption
  • Conspiracy
  • Aiding and abetting offences
  • Cases involving foreign public officials
  • Embezzlement/Misappropriation
  • Improper use of public property
  • Misconduct in public office
  • Asset restraint
  • Dealing with money laundering cases
  • Search and seize
  • Access and search electronic devices
  • Surveillance
  • Using informants
  • Participating in joint operations with the police
  • Protecting evidence integrity
  • Investigation report writing
  • What are the main skills, knowledge and experience missing at the moment in the investigation team?
  • What are the main types of corruption you deal with?
  • How many cases do you deal with annually?
  • What is the average value of the cases you deal with?
  • What is the average rank of the public sector suspects in your cases (check public sector ranking system in the country prior to administering this questionnaire)?
  • Do you have standard operating procedures for the investigation?
  • Have you been trained on the standard operating procedures for the investigation?
  • Are you familiar with the following concepts? If yes, did you ever deal with these concepts in specific cases?
  • Public sector corruption
  • Private sector corruption
  • Conspiracy
  • Aiding and abetting offences
  • Cases involving foreign public officials
  • Embezzlement/Misappropriation
  • Improper use of public property
  • Misconduct in public office
  • Trading in influence
  • Nepotism
  • Falsification of documents
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Restraint and confiscation
  • Asset recovery
  • Requests for mutual legal assistance
Do you have any of the following skills? If yes, have you received any specific training for these?
  • Determining criminal law points to prove
  • Preparing file cases for the prosecutor
  • Interviewing
  • Note-taking
  • File management
  • Document requests to other institutions
  • Open source information-gathering
  • Intelligence gathering
  • Reading financial statements
  • Trading in 
  • influence
  • Nepotism
  • Falsification of documents
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Restraint and confiscation
  • Asset recovery
  • Requests for mutual legal assistance
  • Do you have any of the following skills? If yes, have you received any specific training for these?
  • Determining criminal law points to prove
  • Preparing file cases for the prosecutor
  • Interviewing
  • Note-taking
  • File management
  • Document requests to other institutions
  • Open source information-gathering
  • Intelligence gathering
  • Reading financial statements
  • Asset restraint
  • Dealing with money laundering cases
  • Search and seize
  • Access and search electronic devices
  • Surveillance
  • Using informants
  • Participating in joint operations with the police
  • Protecting evidence integrity
  • Investigation report writing
What are the main skills, knowledge and experience missing at the moment in the investigation team?
b. Prevention staff
  • Do you have experience in any of the following areas?
  • Developing national anti-corruption strategies
  • Developing anti-corruption action plans
  • Monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption policies
  • UNCAC Self-assessment coordination
  • Measuring corruption
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies
  • Corruption risk / integrity assessments
  • Reviewing legislation, regulations and procedures
  • Proposing new or revised legislation, regulations and procedures
  • Mainstreaming international standards
  • Public education
  • Disseminating knowledge on corruption and anti-corruption”
  • Communication
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Conflict of interest regimes
  • Gift policies
  • Asset declarations
- Participation in international for a/UNCAC    Review Mechanism
- Mutual legal assistance
- Do you have any of the following skills? If yes,  have you received any specific training for  these?
  • Training people
  • Educating people
  • Developing distance learning modules
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Writing public materials
  • Writing training materials
  • Public speaking
  • Developing codes of conduct
  • Drafting laws
  • Developing and undertaking public perception surveys
  • Designing communication strategies
  • Writing reports
  • Reviewing asset declarations
  • What are the main skills, knowledge and experience missing at the moment in the prevention team?
Organizational level
1. Vision and mission
  • What are the vision and mission of the anti-corruption agency?
  • Are the vision and mission of the anti-corruption agency clear to you?
  • What do you think the anti-corruption agency does well?
  • In which areas do you think the anti-corruption agency could improve its work?
2. Leadership How do you assess the anti-corruption agency’s leadership (excellent, very good, average, fair or poor)?
3. Strategic planning Have you taken part in any strategic planning exercise?
4. Organizational structure
  • Are your reporting lines clear?
  • Do you have the equipment to do your work?
  • If not, what equipment do you need?
  • Why and how does the absence impact on your work?
  • How do you apply for the equipment?
5. Human resource management
  • Are there published policies on health and safety, discrimination, bullying, etc.
  • Are there published policies on holiday and sickness entitlement, pay scales, allowances and overtime, promotion, grievance procedures?
  • Is there a code of conduct and training in ethical conduct? Disclosure of assets? Policy on conflict of interest?
  • Do you feel that your salary reflects your expertise/experience?
  • Are you satisfied with the additional allowances?
  • How would you rate staff relations in your team (excellent, very good, average, fair or poor)?
6. Knowledge and information  Are knowledge and information shared adequately with you by email and/or other means?
7. Communication
  • How well do you feel the anti-corruption agency communicates with you?
  • Do you have regular staff/team meetings?
8. Monitoring and evaluation
  • Do you monitor and evaluate your work?
  • How?
  • Are you appraised annually?
  • Has there been any outcome from the appraisal?
  • Who assesses your work in terms of performance?
  • Are the performance measures used adequate?
  • Do you feel the anti-corruption agency has made the best use of your skills?
9. Training and mentoring Has the anti-corruption agency provided you with sufficient training to undertake your assignment?
Staff Profile Sample questions
Enabling environment
1. Social, economic and political context How do you assess political will in your country to fight corruption (excellent, very good, average, fair or poor)?
2. Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms
  • Do you work with any institutions outside the anti-corruption agency?
  • How would you assess your partnership (excellent, very good, average, fair or poor)?
3. Legal Framework
  • Are there any legal provisions which facilitate your work especially?
  • Are there any legal provisions which hinder your work especially?
4. Accountability
  • How do you rate the public image of the anti-corruption agency
  • (high, average or low)?
Overall In your view, what is the highest priority for the anti-corruption agency in order to work more effectively?