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Interview guide for institutional stakeholders

Institutional stakeholder interviews will allow those undertaking the capacity assessment to further triangulate all information previously obtained. These interviews will primarily focus on institutional arrangements, coordination mechanisms, and the enabling environment more broadly. These interviews will also provide an opportunity to assess partners’ views on the overall organizational capacity of the ACA. Some common institutional stakeholders are listed below as examples. 

(I) Attorney-General’s Office / Prosecutor-General’s Office

Staff Profile Sample questions
Enabling environment
1. Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms
  • Does the Prosecutor-General’s Office get involved in the investigative process at any stage?
  • How many case files have you received from the anti-corruption agency?
  • How many case files have you reviewed?
  • Did most have sufficient evidence for prosecution?
  • Did you have to send back any files for further investigations? How many?
  • How many individuals have been prosecuted so far on corruption charges?
  • How many convictions have you obtained for corruption so far?
  • What is the annual conviction/acquittal rate?
  • What is the longest period of a current case awaiting a hearing?
  • What is the average value of cases?
  • What are the biggest corruption cases which you have had to prosecute?
  • Do you have any criteria in terms of what cases you prosecute?
  • Are these in line with the criteria used by the anti-corruption agency for the selection of cases to investigate?
  • How would you assess the overall performance of the anti- corruption agency?
2. Legal Framework
  • Is the legal framework adequate to fight corruption in your country?
  • Are any amendments required to the current laws in order to improve the effectiveness in fighting corruption?