The sixth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) (2 to 6 November 2015) took place in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
The Conference addressed issues such as UNCAC implementation, asset recovery, prevention and technical assistance. The general discussion of the Conference served as an opportunity for high-level representatives to address the Conference, providing guidance for its deliberations and the achievement of its objectives.
The Conference is the world’s largest anti-corruption gathering and brings together people from Member States, parliaments, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, the private sector, and the media. UNDP delegation was led by Patrick Keuleers, Director/Chief of Profession, Governance and Peace-building, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support of UNDP. Together with UNODC and other partners, UNDP co-organized and participated in at least 8 special events on the Sustainable development goals (SDGs), youth, open data, lessons learned from UNCAC and linkages between human rights and anti-corruption.

- Information for Journalists – English / Russian
- Information on visa requirements
- Information for NGOs