

The Secretary-General Message on International Anti-Corruption Day


Global attitudes towards corruption have changed dramatically.  Where once bribery, corruption and illicit financial flows were often considered part of the cost of doing business, today corruption is widely — and rightly — understood as criminal and corrosive. The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, our plan to end poverty and ensure lives of dignity for all, recognizes the need to fight corruption in all its aspects and calls for significant reductions in illicit financial flows as well as for the recovery of stolen assets.

Corruption has disastrous impacts on development when funds that should be devoted to schools, health clinics and other vital public services are instead diverted into the hands of criminals or dishonest officials.

Corruption exacerbates violence and insecurity. It can lead to dissatisfaction with public institutions, disillusion with government in general, and spirals of anger and unrest.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption provides a comprehensive platform for governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and individual citizens. Through prevention, criminalization, international cooperation and assets recovery, the Convention advances global progress toward ending corruption.

On International Anti-Corruption Day, I call for united efforts to deliver a clear message around the world that firmly rejects corruption and embraces instead the principles of transparency, accountability and good governance. This will benefit communities and countries, helping to usher in a better future for all.


Photo Exhibition Because-of-the-Corruption Offers People’s Perspective

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To mark the International Anti-Corruption Day, UNDP and Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) organized an exhibition with 20 best photos from over 130 that were posted on social networks by more than 100 citizens. The competition for best online photography on the theme “Because-of-the-Corruption” was open to all enabling posting photos on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with hashtag #fajikorrupsionit.

All displayed photos had powerful messages that were best described by Arbër Elezi, one of the winners when he said: “For me as a teacher at the music school in Gjilan/Gnjilane, it was exceedingly hard to photograph my students collecting trash. They asked me not to publish this picture, but I cannot not publish the harsh reality and the serious situation that they are experiencing.” 

Andrew Russell, the UN Development Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative congratulated all participants in the competition and stated: “Kosovo is not alone in the fight against corruption because it is global war.” Artan Canhasi of KDI, a branch of Transparency International for Kosovo remarked that the photos represent the civic courage to report corruption and its effects as seen by the people”.

Photo competition that used #fajikorrupsionit, #zbogkorupcije, and #becauseofcorruption   as keywords to enter the contest was one of the many activities of UNDP’s Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo (SAEK) project funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation, taking place around 9 December, International Anti-Corruption Day.


Tackling corruption in the construction sector of Mongolia


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – Construction companies face corruption risks throughout all steps of construction from submission of building permit requests until the State Committee endorses that building meets all technical requirements and standards. Corruption costs affect both small and large construction companies alike, and as a result increases the price paid by consumers. So, what are specific corruption risks at each of these stages and how can we address them? This was the main theme of the discussion held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia on 23 November 2015 among construction companies, professional associations, and relevant government agencies.

The discussion was heated and frank, and revealed serious corruption risks and implications.The government entity granting building permits does not take any accountability for damages caused by licensed construction companies. In other words, no one checks if the construction company in question had necessary technical capacity in the first place. When buildings are found to be sub-standard, there is no accountability provision for construction inspectors, who originally signed that the building was fit for use. Lately, instead of asking for bribe money, there have been demands to own shares of construction companies in exchange for different types of permits.

Ms. Bat-otgon, Director of Prevention and Public Awareness, Independent Authority Against Corruption, noted, “Corruption was regarded as mostly related to public sector, but increasingly this is also true for the private sector”. Indeed, investors and owners of construction companies find that it is quite common among mid-level managers to earn money by obtaining discounted construction material, but charging non-discounted prices in formal contracts.

Finally, construction companies emphasized the importance of engaging them in development of various construction related codes and regulations.

The discussion was organized jointly by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia, the Independent Authority Against Corruption, and UNDP, as part of the 2015 International Anticorruption Day campaign. 


International Workshop for Public Construction Transparency (2-4 December 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

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Hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the workshop brought together more than 70 participants from governments, civil society and international organizations and shared experiences from the Korea’s Clean Construction System and other initiatives around the World. Honorable Won Soon Park, Mayor of Seoul, opened the workshop with his key note speech. More information will be provided soon at: UNDP Seoul Policy Centre.

Before the opening session of the workshop, the honorable Mayor also invited the high level representatives in his office and served the Korean traditional tea.
