

Statement from Secretary General Ban Ki-moon


U N I T E D   N A T I O N S                                      N A T I O N S   U N I E S





9 December 2014


Corruption is a global phenomenon that strikes hardest at the poor, hinders inclusive economic growth and robs essential services of badly needed funds. From cradle to grave, millions are touched by corruption’s shadow.

On this year’s observance of the International Anti-Corruption Day, we call again on people everywhere to get involved in “Breaking the Corruption Chain”. 

Next year the world will agree a new post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Our aim is to empower individuals and catalyse governments, the private sector and civil society to help lift millions out of poverty, protect the planet and achieve shared prosperity and dignity for all. Eliminating corruption and its harmful impacts will be crucial to our future well-being.

To dismantle corruption’s high walls, I urge every nation to ratify and implement the UN Convention against Corruption. Its ground breaking measures in the areas of prevention, criminalization, international cooperation and asset recovery have made important inroads, but there is much more to do.  Public services must uphold the highest standards of integrity and ensure that appointments are driven by merit. Public servants, as well as elected officials, must be guided by ethics, transparency and accountability. 

The private sector also has a crucial role. Good behaviour is good business. Business groups can convert anti-corruption action into firm support for sustainable development. 

I call on everyone to help end corruption, and come together for global fairness and equity. The world and its people can no longer afford, nor tolerate, corruption.


Download more info about the campaign here.


Consulting Opportunity: Training & Research in Anti-Corruption, Good Governance – Bhutan

The Anti-Corruption Commission, Bhutan, invites proposals to provide the following consulting services: “Conduct Training and Research in the Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Areas” which involves hands-on-training to local researchers and production of research papers for the systemic intervention in the public agencies of Bhutan, tentatively from last week of January 2015 to May 2015. More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference.

The consultants may purchase Request for Proposals (RFP) documents from the office of the Anti-Corruption Commission or download the same from

Deadline for proposals: 12.00 Noon on 29/12/2014. Technical Proposals will be opened on same day at 3:00 pm.

Address for responses:

Mr. A Karma Rinzin

Head, Corporate Services

Anti-Corruption Commission

No. +975 2 334866 ext. – 108

Fax. No. +975 2 334865


Celebrating the International Anti-corruption Day

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December 9, the day when the UN Convention Againts Corruption was adopted, has been marked as the International Anti-Corruption Day since 2005.This year, UNDP and UNODC in collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi, are pleased to announce the new logo and theme for the  2014 global campaign:

“Break the Corruption Chain”.

The message is simple: taking back what was lost through corrupt practices is everyone’s responsibility. Governments and civil society organizations, the private sector and the media, the general public; including the youth, play a pivotal role in fighting corruption and as such should take a stand to break the corrupt chain.

Join us in commemorating the International Anti-corruption Day and #breakthecorruptchain.

Download more info about the campaign here.