
Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

Survey on Public Perceptions of Corruption in the Education Sector

Survey on Public Perceptions of Corruption in the Education Sector

28 May 2014

Analysis of findings from this survey on perceptions of corruption in the Kosovo education system are very enlightening, showing that the perception of corruption in this specific sector is similar as the overall perception of corruption in Kosovo, based on other studies conducted in the past.

The survey is designed to measure actual corruption levels in the education system in Kosovo by assessing the genuine perceptions of corruption among specific target groups that are in daily contact with education, the results provide useful insight into various aspects of corruption as a problem.

The study, aside from describing the level of awareness of the corruption phenomena, and its roots, also sheds light to the Kosovans’ good understanding of its various causes.


Corruption remains one of the most significant problems in Kosovo


Corruption remains one of the most significant problems facing Kosovo today, argues the special edition of the Public Pulse on corruption released on 24 October.

The present Public Pulse on Corruption, focuses its analysis on perceptions of citizens of Kosovo on the prevalence of corruption, with particular emphasis on Kosovo public institutions on both central and local level.

Data collected through a general population survey with 1300 respondents and 500 targeted interviews with representatives of Kosovo public institutions from all management levels show that 18 percent of interviewed citizens perceive corruption as the most pressing issue. This percentage puts corruption as the second largest problem, trailing only unemployment which is perceived by 39 percent of the respondents as the most pressing issue.

In addition, this research also includes validation data from four thematic focus groups, namely focus groups with representatives of central level institutions, local level institutions, civil society and a focus group with gender activists dedicated to comparison of data with the UNDP survey on Gender and Corruption carried out in 2014.


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Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilties at the Sector Level

The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilties at the Sector Level

Screen shot 2014-10-07 at 1.02.22 PM
Abstract This project comes to fruition at an important time for the World Bank as it scales up its efforts to help countries improve governance and combat corruption. With a heightened focus on mainstreaming governance and anticorruption into its core operations, the Bank expects to engage more extensively in reforms at the sector level. This innovative volume combines analytic rigor and practical operational insights in an important and useful way. It is a “must read” for all development practitioners.
World Bank Publishing, 2007
Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors,

Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives

Anti-Corruption in Service Delivery Sectors, Library,

Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector: Methods, Tools and Good Practices

Abstract Water is a basic element that sustains life, including human life. Yet approximately one billion people still lack access to safe water. Addressing corruption and mismanagement in this sector is vital to sustain achievements toward the MDGs. This study maps corruption risks in the water sector (including irrigation and hydropower) and presents methods and tools to measure corruption in the sector.
United Nations Development Programme
Bureau for Development Policy