
Consultant for Inclusive Governance Dimensions for Regional Human Development Report (RHDR) on Inequalities


Working as part of the Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster, the Consultant will work with its specialists in thematic areas to formulate the Inclusive Governance aspects of the Report and the cluster’s initiatives, while also collaborating with other staff and consultants working on the other chapters of the RHDR

The chapter will focus on three main barriers of particular importance to inclusive governance in the Europe and CIS region. The first of these is corruption and its relationship with societal resilience in ECIS. Corruption’s impact on governance systems can reinforce the mechanisms which create and perpetuate income and other inequalities and pose a barrier to economic policies to address inequalities. The chapter will articulate the impact of petty corrupt practices on local governance and access to basic services and the effect of mechanisms of exclusion on participation, gender, equality, environmental protection and other factors, while exploring efforts to embed transparency and accountability in governance. The second focus is multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against particular vulnerable groups, such as gender, minorities, the elderly, and persons with disabilities, and the impact of gender-sensitive and human rights-based policy measures on the reduction of inequalities. As a third focus, the chapter will elaborate on the ways in which identified mechanisms for perpetuating inequalities are exacerbated in zones of conflict or disputed sovereignty and how this may be addressed. The research will address gender dimensions as relevant.  

The main functions of the RHDR Inclusive Governance Consultant are as follows:

Plan, research, analyse and draft a comprehensive paper and other products on Inclusive Governance and inequalities as part of the Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster to be developed into a Chapter of the Regional Human Development Report for Europe and CIS 2015 on Inequalities; ensuring that:

  • Relevant theories of linkages between governance and inequality are reflected;
  • A representative sample of approaches taken to the issues in question is reflected, through research of UN/UNDP and non-UN work in the area in recent years;
  • A breadth of experiences across the region is explored, in part with comparative approach;
  • Sustainable Development Goal 16 is used as the framework for assessing governance institutions in the ECIS region;
  • The research is guided by outcomes of UNDP’s Dialog on Inequalities, Strategic Plan, previous major reports and policy instruments.

Facilitate a broad consultative process with relevant actors in the region for a comprehensive research phase and gathering of extensive relevant data, including in support of SDG 16; consult also with the RHDR team, IRH GPB Team, and UNDP Country Offices on approaches and innovations on inclusive governance and inequalities and explore the use of innovative data collection measures to ensure a comprehensive, evidence-based reflection of the issues, responses, and solutions; ensuring that:

  • Varied viewpoints and experiences on the approaches taken to governance and inequalities are reflected with reference to specific projects, research and innovations within and outside of the UN system;
  • Key NGOs and other actors are consulted for sections on corruption, contested sovereignty, people living with disabilities and anti-discrimination, and public services delivery, so that the most specific and up-to-date expertise in those areas is included;
  • The use of innovative approaches to data collection and evidence are explored and implemented where possible; data should be sought related in particular to the indicators of Sustainable Development Goal 16;
  • Opinions and experiences are attributed to the persons or organisations of their origin to the extent possible, in order that further research can be undertaken easily by readers.

Undertake a participatory drafting process involving key IRH staff and review by other selected partners; produce a final draft of the chapter and, if necessary, attend the launch of the RHDR in 2016.  

  • The IRH team leading the overall production of the RHDR has adequate oversight of the process of writing the Inclusive Governance Chapter and is able to coordinate its contents and focus in alignment with other chapters;
  • At least two short articles/blogs are generated on findings to stimulate debate and dialogue;
  • The consultant is actively engaged in the meetings and consultations of the RHDR task team;
  • The Governance and Peacebuilding team in particular, and other IRH and UNDP experts, have time and opportunity to contribute comments and feedback on drafts and other products prior to finalisation;
  • Political sensitivities around naming issues and denotation of historical events are discussed with the Governance and Peacebuilding Team Leader should they emerge as issues, and dealt with in a manner in alignment with UN guidance;
  • Overviews of trends and research in the various specific areas of work identified are shared in full with the Governance and Peacebuilding Team so that all findings of the research undertaken are captured and not limited to the specific content of the written RHDR chapter.

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