

Facilitation of Training on Ethics, Integrity and Anti-corruption

The UNDP has been working with the province of KwaZulu-Natal in a partnership to provide technical support in order to improve the skills profile of the public service in KwaZulu-Natal, at both provincial and local government levels. This is also in line with the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP). One area of intervention under Strategic Objective 6.2: Build Government Capacity, is: Develop an Integrated Public Sector HRD and Professional Support Programme. The key performance area for the Academy is to continually develop human resource capabilities and competencies to improve the performance of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration. One of the numerous priorities set for the Academy is the development and delivery of courses and programmes aimed at developing the capability of the human resources and creation of an efficient and effective administration.  The Academy is accredited by the Public Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA), as a delivery and assessment site. This means that the Academy meets the quality criteria set out by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the relevant SETA, viz. the PSETA.  In the period 2015 the UNDP is providing the academy technical support to realise its objectives of which are:

To develop training material/curriculum on selected areas to enhance the capacity of the KZN Public Service Training Academy to improve the public sector

To expand provincial public sector senior management knowledge base on selected and relevant public administration topics; and

To develop an Integrated Human Resource Development Strategy and Professional support programme that is aligned to the National Development Plan and the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS).

The purpose of this short–term consultancy is to develop training material/curriculum and facilitate two training of trainers sessions on Ethics, Integrity, Anti-Fraud and anti- Corruption for 40 Senior Managers in November 2015, and produce a comprehensive report for the Academy on how to rollout out the capacity building in this area. It is expected that that after the training the provincial and local government officials will be trained and exposed on upholding ethics, managing integrity and promoting accountability in their day to day functions, both at individual and organizational levels. The capacity building material will be for future use by the Academy.

For more information, click here


Parliamentary Cooperation Officer (Anticorruption)

UNDP BiH seeks to recruit a parliamentary cooperation officer to support the work of the BiH Parliament in defining and establishing anticorruption methods and practices in their work. The incumbent will support the organization of the anticorruption training for the BiH parliamentarians in the area of anticorruption and will assist UNDP in liaising with the relevant parliamentarian commissions and administration. S/he will liaise with the BiH Parliament and GOPAC in fostering mutual cooperation and collaboration. 

The objective of this assignment is to support project partners and stakeholders in establishment of the parliamentarian anticorruption practices and implementation of the international standards and norms in this regard. This post will contribute to wider understanding of the role of the legislative power institutions, such as BiH Parliament, in the overall anticorruption governance model and will support.

For more information, click here


Anti-Corruption Governance Specialist

UNDP BiH seeks to recruit an anticorruption governance specialist to assist partner institutions in improving their capabilities to govern anticorruption interventions and to improve their  Anticorruption Strategy monitoring and evaluation skills. Purpose of UNDP’s engagement in anticorruption field in BiH is to strengthen current anticorruption activities and to maximize outputs by utilizing its own local presence, participatory working modalities, developed methodologies and regional anticorruption portfolio and pool of exerts to suit BiH-specific needs.

The objective of this assignment is to assist UNDP in coordinating work among different experts and stakeholders in the area of anticorruption. It is expected that the incumbent will act as a team lead and will be a primary point of contact for for the project partners in this anticorruption initiative. S/he will support organization of the Anticorruption Strategy monitoring and evaluation sessions, support organization of different capacity development events and review the work of the anticorruption experts and coordinators.

For more information, click here


To Malaysia and back: Three things I learned


Last month – alongside nearly 1,200 other anticorruption experts and practitioners from over 130 countries – I had the opportunity to go to Malaysia for the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC). UNDP was one of the main organizers and I was keen to bring the Romanian perspective following our work on the subject.

So what did I learn?

When IACC participants whisper in the room about your national partner, “He’s awesome!” – Priceless!

UNDP co-organized four workshops at the IACC, one of which focused on Recovering and Returning Stolen Assets.

The UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub partnered with OECDGIZ and the Basel Institute on Governancefor a session that discussed the challenges surrounding the asset recovery process.

Speakers included representatives of two key Romanian institutions in the field – Cornel Calinescufrom the Romanian Asset Recovery Office, and Anca Jurma from the National Anti-corruption Directorate.

They shared Romania’s experience and good practices in building the national framework, policy and capacities in recovering stolen assets and Romania’s experience in applying the extended confiscation in the asset recovery process.

While enjoying the session, a gentleman in front of my seat asked the lady to his left, “Who is this guy? He’s awesome!”

It was none other than our partner Cornel. I couldn’t have been prouder.

When civil society breaks big

The investigative journalism workshop was by far one of the most interesting sessions I attended.

It featuring mind-blowing stories and amazing speakers from The New York TimesThomson Reuters,Columbia UniversityRISE Project Romania, and others.

Paul Radu, one of the RISE Project Romania founders confessed:

“We achieve real results and generate real change with the investigative journalism we practice: Our US $6 million budget has led so far to over $1.2 billion in assets seized and frozen. So one of our investigations alone could fund 100 years of operations.”

Wow! This is the civil society we need!

By: Anca Stoica, UNDP’s Romanian ODA Project Manager

For more information, click here. 


UNESCO-IIEP training programmes in educational planning and management


IIEP is pleased to announce that registration is now open for all of its training sessions in Paris including the 52nd session of its flagship Advanced Training Programme (ATP) in Educational Planning and Management (2016-2017), the 4th session of the Education Sector Planning Course (ESP) (2016-2017) and the Specialized Courses Programme (SCP) to be held in April – May 2016.

IIEP’s training programmes are designed to strengthen skills and competencies in education policy analysis, sector diagnosis, plan formulation and implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, as well as to develop strategic management and leadership skill in education.

IIEP’s Advanced Training Programme (ATP) in Educational Planning and Management has, for five decades now, been successfully developing the professional expertise and leadership skills of civil servants and other education actors, preparing its trainees for careers in the highest ranks of educational administration. The ATP is an intensive and practice-oriented one-year course (six months online + six months residential in Paris), leading to a professional Master’s-level certificate. The ATP aims at strengthening the skills and knowledge of managers and experts in education in order to enable them to build better education systems worldwide.

IIEP’s Education Sector Planning (ESP) Programme is the core of the ATP curriculum, offered as a shorter, stand-alone course. It enables participants to acquire the fundamental skills of educational planning and corresponds to the first phase of the ATP. Combining 12 weeks of online learning with a 13-week residential training phase, the ESP enables participants to acquire the fundamentals of educational planning – from education sector diagnosis to the preparation and monitoring of the implementation of an education sector plan. This is a good option for those who need to learn sector planning but whose schedules do not permit allow them to enrol for the longer programme.

IIEP’s Specialized Courses Programme (SCP) offers six specialization courses, which develop capacities in management and analyses, addressing technical and managerial issues, strategy, monitoring and evaluation. Participants receive intensive, short-term, specialized training in specific areas of educational planning and management. Each course consists of a two-week residential training at IIEP in Paris. Trainees participate on a full-time basis in one to three courses offered in the 2016 programme.

To join these prestigious programmes, we are seeking motivated professionals who have the ability to make a difference to the education system in their country. Previous participants have come from Ministries of Education, Finance and Planning, public service agencies, national research and training institutions. Please help us spread the word to any other parties who would be interested in and benefit from IIEP’s unique training programme.

Further details on how to apply, along with the application form, are available on the IIEP website. The deadline for submission of applications for all programmes is 15 December 2015.

We remain at your disposal should you require further information and hope to soon receive online applications from your country.


For information on IIEP’s training offer:

Tel: +33 1 45 03 77 61/62

Fax: +33 1 40 72 83 66