

International Training Expert on Investigation Techniques in Corruption Cases


The project Support to Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo (SAEK) is expected to have a positive impact on reducing the level of corruption in Kosovo by strengthening monitoring and oversight mechanisms of institutions to perform in an efficient, transparent, accountable, and gender sensitive manner. The project will ensure greater transparency and accountability of those institutions responsible for delivering public services and create the necessary requirements for more participatory governance at the local level.

Kosovo Anti – Corruption Institutions, in particular the Kosovo Anti – Corruption Agency (KAA), still have significant needs in terms of capacity development, especially in implementation of international standards and adoption of best international practices in area of anti – corruption. In addition, lack of tailor made trainings in investigation of anti – corruption offences and preparation of necessary documentation for initiation of criminal proceedings which reflect standards required by applicable legislation has been identified by Training Needs Assessment of the KAA conducted by UNDP SAEK Project.

For this purpose, UNDP will organize tailor made trainings for the KAA staff in order to address the identified gaps in capacity development.

Objectives of Assignment: 

Objective of the assignment is to increase capacity of the KAA officials, through tailor made trainings, to be more effective in investigation of corruption cases, securing evidence of corrupt activities and preparation of case files for submission to prosecutors’ office, which meet the standards required by the applicable legislation in Kosovo and best regional practices. 

For more information, click here. 


More Pacific partners embracing anti-corruption pathway

The UN-Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) team has seen a big increase in anti-corruption activity across the Pacific in 2015, with 20 workshops and 430 participants.

Partnerships are the hallmark of UN-PRAC and these first six months of the year have brought in many new participants from government, civil society, parliament, youth and the private sector. The July 2015 issue of PRAC’s newsletter shows current efforts with partners to prevent and fight corruption in the region.


More Pacific partners embracing anti-corruption pathway

The UN-Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) team has seen a big increase in anti-corruption activity across the Pacific in 2015, with 20 workshops and 430 participants.

Partnerships are the hallmark of UN-PRAC and these first six months of the year have brought in many new participants from government, civil society, parliament, youth and the private sector. The July 2015 issue of PRAC’s newsletter shows current efforts with partners to prevent and fight corruption in the region.


Colombia business group and UNDP push for good practices in anti-corruption

The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and UNDP Colombia have launched a guidebook, “Buenas prácticas empresariales de lucha contra la corrupción” (Good Business Practices in the Fight Against Corruption).

The guidebook presents three private sector experiences identified as good practices of transparency for possible replication by other private sector organizations. A chapter in the book discusses a UNDP methodology for choosing such good practices, along with other criteria that allow the adaptation of the methodology to the particular dynamics of the private sector.

Below is an English translation of the guidebook’s Introduction:

“Following the recommendation of the UNCAC on the joint partnership between United Nations agencies with public and private actors, and in order to integrate new key stakeholders in the fight against corruption to fulfill their mission in terms of transparency, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been working together with the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, in the context of a strategic alliance to promote transparency and prevent corruption in the private sector, with the understanding that an institutional culture based on ethics is one of the best antidotes against corruption.
“This document presents three experiences of the private sector, which, after being analyzed, were identified as good practices of transparency, with the possibility of being replicated by other private sector organizations.
“One of the chapters of the document is dedicated to presenting a methodology developed and tested by UNDP, introducing some methodological adjustments to select those initiatives that include, in addition to the features traditionally addressed by UNDP, other criteria that allow the adaptation of the methodology to the particular complexities and dynamics of the private sector.
“Finally, each experience is explained in great detail, including its objective and justification and the initial situation which led to the need to implement the practice. Furthermore, the  criteria mentioned in the methodology is verified, the situation after the implementation is described, as well as the lessons learned from the whole process of construction and execution of the exercise.”


Evaluation/Research Consultants – Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Anti-Corruption and Governance Integrity in A Development Context -(2 positions)


UNDP’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) is carrying out an ‘Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Anti-Corruption and Governance Integrity in a development context.’ The evaluation will assess the contribution of UNDP’s support to anti-corruption and transparency, accountability and integrity, for the period 2008-2014. The evaluation will be presented to the Executive Board of UNDP in the second regular session of 2016, and provide strategic inputs for strengthening the contribution of anti-corruption and governance integrity policy.

The objectives of the evaluation are to:

  • Provide an assessment of UNDP contribution to strengthening national capacities in anti-corruption and governance integrity. This includes an assessment of UNDP contribution to global anti-corruption policy debates;
  • Analyze factors that explain UNDP contribution to anti-corruption and governance integrity;
  • Assess the extent to which anti-corruption and integrity measures are integrated in different areas of UNDP support;
  • Present key findings, conclusions and recommendations to inform management decisions.

The UNDP Independent Evaluation Office is seeking the services of 2 evaluation/research consultants proficient in meta-synthesis methodologies and with prior work experience in governance area. The evaluation/research consultants will carry out meta-synthesis of anti-corruption and governance integrity evaluations carried out by the IEO and UNDP programme units. The consultants will work in close coordination with the IEO.

Duties and Responsibilities

Drawing on the secondary data, review of relevant documents, and evidence from the UNDP evaluations, the consultant will carry out the following tasks: Check the coherence of the evidence in the evaluations assessed, in terms of whether all evaluations include required evidence and that it is of suitable quality;

  • Summarize the evidence of UNDPs contribution to anti-corruption and governance integrity outcomes and factors using systematic rating of performance based on the extracted narrative evidence;
  • Test the theory and hypothesis developed for the evaluation to assess UNDPs contribution and the factors influencing the contribution of UNDPs programmes;
  • Based on the consistency analysis, decide whether there is enough consistency to allow a rigorous examination of causality using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Prepare a report of main findings.

The consultants will also contribute to the meta-synthesis framework that will be developed by the IEO. The assignment will be home-based, and consultants will work under the supervision of the IEO Evaluation Manager throughout the evaluation. All reports and documents will be produced in English.